Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Who Am I?

This had to be one of the hardest posts I had to write because I had to contemplate rather to tell the "Professional" or "Flaws and All" side of Jasmine. I have come to the realization that both parts make up who I am and in this blog post I will share with you who I am inside and out. 

I was born and raised in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. A small "country" town where everyone knows everyone and each child is raised by a village rather they receive the teachings or not. I graduated high school with the same people I played hide and go seek with in Kindergarten. This taught me loyalty and also to be careful of the words I said because the people I was around weren't going any where. 

The day I realized my life would never be the same is when I drove six hours from Pine Bluff to my new home in Dallas, Texas. I was out of my element, my comfort zone, my friends, family and even my dog name Chloe. Life had "CHANGED", but it was my decision if  I wanted to change with it. I attended a summer prep program with the Roy G. Perry College of Engineering on July 4, 2012. Everyone was different and everyone kept telling me how different I was. My voice and the way I talked even came at a shock to some people that have spent their lives deep in the heart of Texas. 

My first experiences as the kid from Arkansas weren't great at all. I literally was miserable, depressed and desperately wanted to return to my roots because nothing was working out for me here. Then one day I received an email to apply to be on the Freshmen Executive Board for the National Society of Black Engineer's. I hopped on the opportunity because I was told by IEEE that Freshmen could receive    Internships if they had gained leadership and also acquired a GPA within good standing. I became the Freshmen Executive Board Vice President for this prestige organization. It was this organization that gave me a mentor, Ashlee Sherman, who is now Miss PVAMU 2014-2015, a group of friends that have been a huge support system and also my current boyfriend who has aspired me to reach my dreams in more ways than one. 

I quickly caught on to the path of success where your books come first, organizations come second, and sleep comes last. I found myself with an intern as a freshmen with General Electric Power & Water, General Electric Oil & Gas and now Goldman Sachs Investment Banking Co. located in NY, NY. College has taught me that it's not about the organization itself but the work and passion behind the title that you interview or run for.  If I could give anyone advice it would be to find what you love and stick with it because there lies your passion. If you don't like what you're doing change it or create something completely different. 

Prairie View A&M University truly produces productive people. Everyday I meet someone new on this campus that has just as much drive, passion, ambition as myself which pushes me to be greater. I also meet individuals who in my eyes have so much potential, but choose to wait until a later date to unleash the powers that they hold inside of them. This blog, "Success With Stith", was written for those that may not know the ways or have resources to reach their full potential. I know what it's like to come from a place where being an Engineer is unheard of. But I also know that through hard work, a great support system including praying family and friends, and most of all God ANYTHING is possible. 

Please join me throughout the next year as I lead Prairie View's National Society of Black Engineer's into the "Year of the Entrepreneur" where it is the students job to take action in their life. The organization can only do so much for you until you take matters into your own hands and begin your own path to success.

I leave you with this:

 "God gives us dreams that leads to our gifts/talents. 
Our gifts lead us to our desires. 
But a desire without passion will always remain a dream. ” 

- Jasmine Angelica Stith 

1 comment:

  1. Jasmine Stith you are a remarkable woman.You are a born leader, inspirational and motivational to the world.Continue to Dream Big and push for greater destiny, Your family and especially proud...I am your biggest fan.You are classy, beautiful, and character is strong and perseverance and tenacity has been your crown for years...You have demonstrated a small spelt word with big meaning called "Faith" and without it nothing would have came to pass..Your eyes or ear have not seen or heard what's in store for you because God is your pilot and continue to fly jazz higher and higher...Love mom
