Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Beginning

February 7, 2015

Why did I start this blog? 

While attending Prairie View A&M University during my first year, someone told me that freshmen can get internships. From that day forward I have been on a mission to make sure every person I meet knows that there are opportunities available if they want them.  It has been a pleasure to have amazing opportunities while being a STEM Major. I recognized early on that in order to gain internships you had to brand yourself in a way that people understood exactly what you're capable of as a college student. It is your job to know your weaknesses and master your strengths. That is the only way you can improve your social, professional, and academic skills. 

What are the necessary steps you ask? 
  • Find a club or organization that you can best identity yourself with on campus. 
  • Invest adequate time in the organization so that you become an asset for the organization. 
  • Learn how to brand yourself: master your strengths and work on your weaknesses.
  • Develop a 2 minute elevator pitch that can gain the attention of any employer
  • Learn how to handle a busy lifestyle. You must know how to balance academics as well as school organizations to be successful. 
Throughout this blog, I will provide links to scholarships, technical webinars, internship oppurtunities , full time job postings and overall the keys every college student needs to leave with a job and not just a degree.